Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Humble- Not proud or arrogant.

    This word, concept, desire has been on my heart for the past couple weeks and it was just a matter of time before I had to let it out. I was asked the other day why I am doing a blog, and my response was so I can share some thoughts (ofcourse, because this a blog), but more importantly, remind myself of different things. This blog in particular, well pretty much it's to get me off my high horse. And this is no little horse, I am on some mythical creature monster horsee. What does that look like you might be wondering, well I have no idea, I just know its big.
    Somewhere in my journey I convinced myself I was good and... I guess special. It was probably around the time I got that darn 17. I think I am better than most people and I deserve better than most people. I thought since I didn't do certain things and I was nice to most people that I was special. I sometimes think I am this wonderful husband and my wife should be so thankful to have me. Do you ever wish God would literally send his Son back to this earth and have him walk right into your living room(while you are sitting on your monster mythical horsee watching your flat screen tv) and punch you right in your stomach, and say you know what that is for, and then just walk off? Luke sorry to break it to you, but wow has pride taken over. It all starts with pride, and once you start believing in it, it slowly takes over like a nasty disease.
     At church on Saturday night the preacher admitted how he struggles with pride and how he goes through moments like I mentioned, just without the horsee thingy. It was encouraging to hear this from a man at his position, becuase this is someone who is leading a mega church and is doing unbelievable things in the community and all over the world. It is like if anyone can have some pride, it would be this guy you know? I compared my life to his and what he was doing and I started to realize, who am I?  Who am I that I think I am something special? Then I compared my life to Jesus, well not really compared because, well I can't even start to compare because what he did and what I think I have done or am doing, is nothing.
      The first step to fixing any problem or disease in this case, is to admit it. Now you don't have to post it on a blog, but for me, that is what I needed to do. Problems are hard to fix when you are the only one who knows, because honestly, we don't do to well on our own, or atleast I don't. We need people, more importantly we need friends, close friends. Make as many as you can.