Saturday, March 1, 2014

The wave

I just realized that I took a break from 3 years. Moving on.
I was thinking of a really creative start to my "coming out of retirement first blog party," and this is all I could come up with. Can only go up from here I guess.

What I realized today was that no one will ever be moved, touched, inspired, or any other similar adjective you can think of, by what I am thinking until I tell someone.

I will never forget the story my mother told me of the "oh so simple, but oh so empowering wave." No need to buckle up for this one, it's short and sweet.
My mother was picking up one of my siblings at school one day, when all of the sudden, it happened. She did what most people never think to do. She waved. She wasn't too caught up with road rage and wanting to murder the car in front of her. She wasn't so distracted with the car behind her because they were riding her tail. She waved to a random lady picking her son up from school. Pretty incredible of her, right? Well, not really. I mean it's pretty simple to wave to someone. Try it. I'll do it with you. I just waved to my recliner because I am the only person in the room. Person or no person, the point is that it's pretty darn easy to wave. Then why don't we do it more? Anyways, back to the story. This was just a normal wave with one hand. It was also packaged with a glowing smile. That's it. End of story. Well, not exactly. You can buckle up now if you'd like as the story is a little longer than I thought :)

 A couple days later my mother received a letter in the mail. It was from the lady who was on the other end the famous one handed wave accompanied by the very underused expression we call, the smile. The letter thanked my mother for the simple gesture and told her how it changed her day. The lady was caught off guard and was confused as to why someone she didn't know would wave and smile at her. She went on to express how it made her feel happy, noticed, and a bunch of other great and encouraging feelings. Hold up, Luke. This isn't adding up. Aren't you missing some of the story? Like maybe your mother bought her groceries because they had no food to eat or maybe she did something over Christmas and bought her and her kids presents. This would make more sense as to why someone would express such gratitude. (This part of the story hasn't happened yet)
I was a little confused as well when my mother first told me. I mean, we are talking about a wave here.

Anyways, to make a short story that turned into a longer than anticipate story, short, I'll wrap it up.
Out of this "famous wave" a life changing friendship was formed. Will this happen every time you wave, of course not. Our family ended up having a relationship with this lady and her family that went way deeper than a wave and a smile. Once we got to know her story it was hard not to go deeper. We ended up buying groceries for them on several occasions because they simply didn't have any more food to eat. We would help out with any clothing they needed. And one Christmas, we as a family decided to use some of our Christmas money and buy their family presents. I tell you this not to boast about how wonderful my family is, but to open your eyes to see how a simple wave accompanied by a beautiful smile can change someone's life. The awesome thing is that our lives were changed just as much, if not more. The bible nails it when it talks about how it's more blessed to give than to receive.

Simple but incredibly powerful. Let's go get our wave on, people.

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