Friday, January 28, 2011

English. Blah

      The english launguage is so stupid, period. But, since I scored a 17 on the ACT, I am pretty sure that qualifies me to be an english scholar, and with being a scholar I figured I would clear up something that has deeply put a strain on all of our lives... Is it taking something for granite, or taking something for granted? Lucky you, Mr. 17 is here to save the day. The correct answer is taking something for granted. You guys are probably assuming I knew that because I am unbelievably smart, but the real answer is that I married into a family of english majors, minors, and majoriners. And that does not fit to well with a 17, but luckily I aced Phys ED.(Don't worry, that is not supposed to make sense).
     My whole life I have used these words granite and granted in the wrong way. I told people that I take them for granite(also known as a rock).I take you for a rock? Oh how I hope all my friends were a 17 like me.
      It is pretty funny how we can misuse words and say things on a daily basis that don't make any sense. The not so funny thing is how we can take endless amounts of things for GRANTED. When I sit and really think about what I have in my life in which I take for granted, it blows my mind. It is literally everything. It starts from the time I wake up in a bed, to putting on my slippers, to eating breakfast, to putting on clothes(clean clothes at that), to driving a car to work(and actually really enjoying work), to eating, and eating, and eating, to watching tv, to having a bathroom. I could keep adding but I think you get the point.
      It get's worse. As we live everyday taking it all for granted, as that is not bad enough, we complain about it all. I need a new job, new clothes, better food, better car, more comfier couch, more things, more things, more things. Someone please punch me in my face because I am horrible at this.
      My wife Adrienne likes to answer the phone sometimes when I call with a man voice, a deep man voice. She thinks this is super funny. I think it is kind of funny for the first second, and then I am ready to not be talking to an old scary man. I laugh, and then instantly carry on hoping she will turn back into normal pretty Adrienne. She does this for about 30 more seconds and finally stops and becomes normal again. At this second, her voice has never sounded more beautiful. I realized that I even take my wife's beautiful, sweet innocent voice for granted. 

-When it comes to life, the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.
Gilbert K. Chesterton


  1. Hi there Luke! Mom is a delight to read your take on life like this. Thanks for keeping us on our toes and bringing light to a deep problem most of us have! You make your readers smile/laugh at least as we are being whipped into shape. At first I thought you were going to talk about the English language and ask 'wy' it is like it is! love momma

  2. funny!!! :) I'm so calling Adrienne and going to talk in a scarey man voice, HAHAHA!!

  3. that's my Luke- secure.
    You have always been the guy unashamed of who you were. Whether it was in grade school when you had the urge to flatulate in class loudly, or now as a Christian writer...
    much love
    cousin Joe

  4. Thanks for the text direct to your blog....sorry about English. You should've had a better teacher. You're still one of my all time favorites..coached a basketball game tonight and thought of you playing, and how many times you made practices stop so we could all laugh at whatever crazy thing you had done. Glad to see you are still spreading the joy. God Bless you and your family.
    Mark E.

  5. Erwin! You were the best English teacher ever, and if it wasn't for you I probably would of got like a 11 or something. I think it was your cracking voice that helped me the most. During the freshman basketball season the greatest story ever was born. I did a no look pass to Chris and it hit him in the face and went right into the basket. hahaha. I think we literally stopped practice for like 30 minutes. And you can't forget about the FUNK shots. Hope all is well with you and your family. It's so good to hear from you man.
